The purpose of the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building is to uphold and share the values and principles of democracy in order to build peace, stability and reconciliation.

Our vision is to remove fear from and offer hope to divided communities and to create a society with a shared sense of responsibility, opportunity
and community.

Our aim is to support the Northern Ireland peace process and at the same time share our experience with the international community

Got a question, a query or an idea? Please contact us at

CDPB News & Blogs

Fellows at IMMA, Dublin.
Centre For Democracy and Peace chief executive Eva Grosman with Fellowship Programme partner representatives (from left) Stephen McKeown (Allstate), Gordon Parkes (NIE Networks), David Clements (Fujitsu NI), Darragh McCarthy (FinTrU), Nick Coburn (Ulster Carpets) and Peter Cunningham (Camlin Group) (Kelvin Boyes)
Fellows attend the Oxford residential in 2024.