Melanie Romero
Melanie Romero is a trilingual writer based in Orange County, California with overseas connections in Mexico City, Paris, and London.
Apart from being a children‘s book editor at Lil’ Libros, a bilingual English-Spanish children’s book publishing company, Melanie is Editor of Publications for the Global Women’s Narratives Projects, spearheading her own research projects, the main one being interviewing women in México about their narratives revolving around political ineptitude, femicide cases, and the machismo ideology. As well, outside of the initiative, she conducts research into the narratives & literature examining the tragedies of 1968, primarily concentrating on the start of the Troubles in Belfast & Derry/Londonderry and the Tlatelolco Massacre in Mexico City.
Melanie’s fieldwork goes hand in hand with the mission of the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building and will bring her closer to comprehending the intricacies of the Troubles and how global conflict can lead to change overtime. In her free time, she can be found indulging in homemade challah or booking frequent trips to Oaxaca.