Dignity Leadership Training with Dr Donna Hicks, Harvard
The need has never been more urgent for people in leadership…

Lord Alderdice speaking in a debate in the House of Lords on the role of soft power and non-military options in conflict prevention.
Moved by The Archbishop of Canterbury -
That this House takes…

Lecture by Dr Ofrit Liviatan, Harvard University
Lecture by Dr Ofrit Liviatan, Director, Freshman Seminar Program…

One Step Forward: Acknowledging the Past and Building Peace by Andrew Dusek
“You’re very welcome to Belfast. We love visitors—it’s…

Relationships, identity and the importance of language by Héctor Portillo
I met Lord John Alderdice and Jeffrey Donaldson this October,…

Cultivating a relationship of trust by Kristin Bushby
“The next generation of successful political leaders in Northern…