In April, TEDxStormont will host a special online TED Circles programme themed around COVID 19, changing world and your well-being. The ZOOM webinars will take place each Monday afternoon at 4pm (BST) and will be co-hosted by Lord Alderdice and special guests. Please join in to learn, share your perspective and connect with new ideas.
TED Circles is an open platform for meaningful conversations about ideas. Imagine a book club for TED Talks! A new TED initiative, at TED Circles you will meet others who are inspired by TED and interested in joining small discussions, facilitated by our volunteer hosts, on a variety of relevant and timely topics.
Register at:
• Monday, 6 April
Emotional first aid with special guests Professor Siobhan O’Neill and Peter McBride
Watch Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice emotional first aid HERE.
• Monday, 13 April
The art of stillness with special guest Fr Mark Patrick Hederman OSB and Bridgeen Rea-Kaya
Watch Pico Iyer: The art of stillness HERE.
• Monday, 20 April
Compassion with special guest Padraig O’Tuama and Sr Judith Leckie
Watch Krista Tippett: Reconnecting with compassion HERE.
• Monday, 27 April
Gratefulness with special guest Karen Sethuraman and Rev Dr John Dunlop
Watch David Steindl-Rast: Want to be happy? Be grateful HERE.
CO-HOST Professor, the Lord Alderdice FRCPsych
Professor, the Lord Alderdice FRCPsych is a Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords and was the Chairman of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords during the Liberal/Conservative Coalition Government. Previously a consultant psychiatrist at the Centre for Psychotherapy he established in Belfast, Lord Alderdice is currently a Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at Harris Manchester College (University of Oxford). He is also a Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Maryland (Baltimore) and Chairman Emeritus of the Centre for Democracy and Peace Building (Belfast).