Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

The Spy Who Loved: Talk by the award-winning author Clare Mulley

As a part of the Polish Heritage Days celebrations, Lord Alderdice invites you to the talk by the award winning author Clare Mulley on secrets and lives of Krystyna Skarbek […]

International Women’s Day 2019: Balancing for Better

Throughout my career, on almost a weekly basis, I have found myself the only woman in the room. It has been disappointing, frustrating and on few occasions even intimidating, but […]

The Spy Who Loved: Talk by the award-winning author Clare Mulley

As a part of the Polish Heritage Days celebrations, Lord Alderdice invites you to the talk by the award winning author Clare Mulley on secrets and lives of Krystyna Skarbek […]

International Women’s Day 2019: Balancing for Better

Throughout my career, on almost a weekly basis, I have found myself the only woman in the room. It has been disappointing, frustrating and on few occasions even intimidating, but […]