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Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Lord Alderdice awarded Honorary Doctorate

Lord Alderdice has today (Tuesday, July 10) been awarded an Honorary Doctorate (Doctor of Literature) by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Annual Report 2018: The challenges of our time

In my life-time there has never been a greater need, across the world, for people to work for democracy and peace building. When we started CDPB our focus was largely […]

Lord Alderdice awarded Honorary Doctorate

Lord Alderdice has today (Tuesday, July 10) been awarded an Honorary Doctorate (Doctor of Literature) by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Annual Report 2018: The challenges of our time

In my life-time there has never been a greater need, across the world, for people to work for democracy and peace building. When we started CDPB our focus was largely […]